February 18, 2025


Our Students compete year round at both USEF Rated competitions, as well as schooling shows.
Many of our students develop the goals of qualifying for various National Finals, including Pony Finals, Marshall & Sterling Finals, USEF/Pessoa Medal Finals as well as Maclay Finals.

Many people ask, What is a “rated” horse show?

The USEF (United States Equestrian Federation) www.usef.org is the National Governing body for Equestrian Sport ; Since 1917, the Federation has been dedicated to pursuing excellence and promoting growth, all while providing and maintaining a safe and level playing field for both equine and human athletes by being the governing body that recognizes and rates horse shows, licenses judges, stewards and other officials, and approves, publishes, and enforces the rules of competition, among many other things.

The USEF also trains, selects, and funds the United States Equestrian Team, which sends our top riders to the highest levels of international competition, including the Olympic Games.

When one goes to a USEF horse show; you are assured that you will have liscensed course designers, nationally “carded” judges, great footing and quality jumps. The goal is for consistency in all of these at every rated show.
Every rider competing at USEF shows will need their USEF and USHJA membership cards. Memberships, other than Life, go from December 1st of current year, to November 31st of the following year.

Although I wish we could list ALL the ribbons and awards won over the years by our lovely riders and horses, that would be quite lengthy! So we would like to share some of our riders highlights over the years.

IEA Zone 2 Region 3 2012-2013 Year End Awards
Sarah Bury- Champion Middle School Beginner Flat
Kaelyn Brown- Reserve Champion Middle School Beginner Flat
Elizabeth McCrohan- 6th Middle School Novice
CNY EQ IEA Middle School Team- overall 5th

IEA Zone 2 Region 3 Regional Finals March 2013
Victoria Johnson- High School Novice Fences- 4th
Sarah Bury- Middle School Beginner Flat- 4th
Kaelyn Brown- Middle School Beginner Flat- 6th

Syracuse PHA 2012 Year End Awards
Jade Nelson & Silver Edition (owned by Morrisville State College)- Pre Childrens Division overall 6th
BamBam (sold by CNY EQ) 5th overall Green Pony

HITS Saugerties AA rated 2012
*Jill Mulchahey & Silver Edition (owned by Morrisville State College)
Winners week VII Bit o’Straw Hunter Classic
Champion Novice Adult Equitation
*Nathaniel VanDoren & Koa (owned by Nathaniel and his mother Dr Ann Robenstein)
Top ribbons in the Maiden equitation as well as the pre-childrens hunters during weeks V & VI
*Danielle VanDoren & Maverick (owned by Danielle and her mother Dr Ann Robenstein)
Champion Walk/Trot week VI
*Sarah Bury & Maverick (owned by Danielle VanDoren and Dr Ann Robenstein)
Champion Advanced W/T/C

IEA Zone 2 Region 3 Year End awards for the 2011-2012 Season
*Jade Nelson- Overall high point Intermediate High School Rider
*Nicolette Kittel- Overall high point Beginner Flat High School Rider
*Jessica Snyder- Overall high point Beginner Flat Middle School Rider

Syracuse PHA 2011 Year End Awards
*Nicolle Madonna & Solo SWF (Owned by The Solo Group)
Champion 1.10m & higher jumpers
*Erin Vieau & Ready or Not (Owned by Keely O’Hara)
Reserve Champion Pony Equitation
6th .95m jumpers

Autumn in NY-Syracuse Fairgrounds- B Rated- September 2011
*Jade Nelson & Talisman (Owned by Patrick Hall)
(won the schooling class out of 50!)

NYS Fair- A Rated- August 2011 Syracuse NY
*Jade Nelson & Tallisman (Owned by Patrick Hall)
2’6″ Hunter Classic- 2nd

Coliseum Classic- Un rated- Syracuse NY August 2011
*Caroline Bernhardt & Nashville (owned by CNY EQ)
Reserve Champion Limit Equitation
*Kelly Murphy & Nashville (owned by CNY EQ)
Reserve Champion Suitable Hunters

Huck Finn Classic-Syracuse NY- A Rated- July 2011
*Emily Lamb & Silver Edition (Owned by Morrisville State College)
Reserve Champion Pre Childrens
*Jade Nelson & Silver Edition (Owned by Morrisville State College)
Champion Special Childrens Hunter
*Elizabeth McCrohan & Up in Smoke (Owned by The McCrohan Family)
Reserve Champion Short Stirrup Hunter
Reserve Champion Short Stirrup Equitation

Buffalo Showtime III- A Rated June 2011
*Emily Lamb & Silver Edition (Owned by Morrisville State College)
Reserve Champion 15-17 Equitation
*Jade Nelson & Silver Edition (Owned by Morrisville State College)
Champion Maiden Equitation

Buffalo Showtime I- A Rated May 2011
*Emily Lamb & Silver Edition (Owned by Morrisville State College)
Reserve Champion Suitable Hunters

Bridle Path Manor-Un rated-NYS Fairgrounds- May 2011
*Meredith Shaw & Nashville (Owned by CNY EQ)
Champion Limit Equitation
*Danielle McCrohan & Nashville (Owned by CNY EQ)
Mini Maclay-3rd

The Garden State Horse Show; Sussex County Fairgrounds, NJ- AA rated May 2011
*Erin Vieau & Ready or Not (Owned by Keely O’Hara
Marshall & Sterling Large Pony Medal- 3rd
Marshall & Sterling Pony Jumper Classic- 6th

Bridle Path Manor @ NYS Fairgrounds Un Rated April 2011
*Emily Lamb & Nashville (Owned by CNY EQ)
Champion Childrens/Adult Equitation
Winner Mini Maclay
*Erin Vieau & Solo SWF (Owned by The Solo Group)
Reserve Champion 3′ Equitation. Winner Open Eq flat; 2nd 3′ Mini Maclay
*Sarah Bury & Little Storm (Owned by Nicolle Madonna)
Champion Walk Trot Champion
*Jade Nelson & Up in Smoke (Owned by The McCrohan Family)
Champion Intermediate Equitation

Syracuse PHA 2012 Year End Awards
*Nicolle Madonna & Solo SWF (Owned by The Solo Group)
3rd 1.05m Jumpers
*Corinne Milnamow & Rhyme or Reason
Champion Syracuse PHA Large Pony Medal
Regular Large Pony Hunter- 3rd
Green Pony Hunter-5th
*Erin Vieau & Ready or Not (Owned by Keely O’Hara)
Reserve Champion Syracuse PHA Large Pony Medal
Regular Large Pony Hunter-6th

Zone 2- 2010 Year End Awards
8th Large Green Pony Hunters; Rhyme or Reason (Owned & Shown by Corinne Milnamow)

Lehman Farms-A Rated-Pittsford NY- November 2010
*Brynley Smith & Little Storm (Owned by Nicolle Madonna)
Champion Short Stirrup Equitation & Short Stirrup Hunters
*Erin Vieau & Ready or Not(Owned by Keely O’Hara)
Winner Syracuse PHA Large pony medal
Reserve Champion Reg Large Ponies
*Bridget Vieau & Ready or Not (Owned by Keely O’Hara)
Reserve Champion Walk/Trot Equitation

Syracuse Invitational Sporthorse Tournament-November 2010
*Nicolle Madonna & Solo SWF (Owned by The Solo Group)
3’6″ Open Jumper Classic-5th

Autumn in NY-B rated-September 2010
*Erin Vieau & Ready or Not (Owned by Keely O’Hara)
Overall Reserve Champion Jumper Combination

HITS VI Saugerties-AA Rated-August 2010
*Brynley Smith & Little Storm (Owned by Nicolle Madonna)
Reserve Champion Beginner Equitation
*Erin Vieau & Ready or Not (Owned by Keely O’Hara)
Marshall & Sterling Large Pony Medal- 6th
*Corinne Milnamow & Rhyme or Reason
Washington Large Pony Medal- 6th

Huck Finn Classic-A Rated-July 2010
*Morgan Mapstone & Excuse Me (Owned by Morrisville State College)
Champion Short Stirrup Hunter
Reserve Champion Short Stirrup Equitation
*Elizabeth McCrohan & Up in Smoke (Owned by The McCrohan Family)
Reserve Champion Walk Trot

Bridle Path Manor-Un Rated-Syracuse NY- June 2010
*Emily Farrely & Little Storm (Owned by Nicolle Madonna)
Champion Intermediate Hunters
Reserve Champion Intermediate Hunters
*Corinne Milnamow & Excuse Me (Owned by Morrisville State College)
Reserve Champion Open Equitation

If Only Farm Schooling Show-June 13 2010
Nicolle Madonna & Excuse Me (Owned by Morrisville State College)
Champion Schooling Hunter

Syracuse PHA-Rated A-April 2010
*Corinne Milnamow & Rhyme or Reason
Reserve Champion Large Green Pony Hunters

March 2010 IEA Zone 2 Finals
Champion High School Team
Champion Middle School Team

High View Farms- Pittsford NY- A Rated-March 2010
Corinne Milnamow & Rhyme or Reason
Reserve Champion Large Green Pony Hunter **Qualified for Pony Finals in the Large Greens**

Lehman Farms- Pittsford NY- January 2010
*Erin Vieau & Ready or Not (Owned by Keely O’Hara)
Qualified for Pony Finals in the USEF Medal